27 April 2011

Southwest 737s taking off on Rwy19R at KCI, 23 Oct 2010

Via Flickr:
Southwest Airlines 737s on Runway 19R at Kansas City International Airport, Missouri. One just took off, another is taxiing onto the runway, cleared for takeoff. This view is looking south-southwest from just north of the runway.

Saturday afternoon 23 October 2010.

Loveland Pass, B&W, 15 Aug 2009

Via Flickr:
Looking east from Loveland Pass, up the Continental Divide.
Modified into black & white via Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Saturday 15 August 2009.

Liberty Memorial, closeup of top, 3 Sept 2010

Via Flickr:
A closeup of one of the Guardian Spirit sculptures on the top portion of the Liberty Memorial, Kansas City.
I'm really not sure which one this is (it's either "Courage" or "Patriotism"), the other spirits are "Honor" and "Sacrifice." These were sculpted by Robert Aitken.

Friday evening 3 September 2010.

Old Building w/ Red Walls, Parkville, 13 Oct 2010

Via Flickr:
Old brick building on Main Street in Parkville.
Modified with Adobe Photoshop Elements...making most of the image black/white except for those exterior and interior walls that were red.
Wednesday morning 13 October 2010.

Bond Bridge, driving southbound, 5 Apr 2011

Via Flickr:
Driving southbound on the Bond Bridge (I-29 & I-35). The old Paseo Bridge, to the right, is still in the process of being torn down.
Tuesday afternoon 5 April 2011.

Western Auto Lofts, 30 Dec 2010

Via Flickr:
Western Auto Lofts building, on an unseasonably warm winter afternoon.
Thursday afternoon 30 December 2010.

Blue dusk in the West Bottoms, 8 Dec 2010

Via Flickr:
Looking west at the last remnants of daylight, all seems quiet at this part of the West Bottoms, Kansas City.
Wednesday evening 8 December 2010.

Kansas City after Sunset, Panorama Poster, 3 Sept 2010

Via Flickr:
Panoramic poster of the Kansas City skyline, after sunset on a late summer evening, as seen from the top of the Liberty Memorial.
Five separate photos auto-stiched into one panorama, and also modified with crosshatching feature via Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.

Friday evening 3 September 2010.

Kansas City Skyline, Panorama, 7 Oct 2010

Via Flickr:
Skyline of Kansas City, as seen from Summit Street, at the southwest corner of the Downtown Loop.
Seven separate photos auto-stiched into one panorama, via Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.
Thursday 7 October 2010.

22 April 2011

Hobbs & Red Door, Color Mix, Pano, 8 Dec 2010

Via Flickr:
The Hobbs Building, in the West Bottoms of Kansas City. Majority of image was converted to black and white, with the exception of the red front door.
Three separate photos were auto-stiched into one vertical panorama, via Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.
Wednesday evening 8 December 2010.

Little cloud & its shadow, 17 Oct 2010

Via Flickr:
Looking out my window seat on a Southwest Airlines flight from Kansas City to Las Vegas, noticed this little cloud below our cruising altitude, and creating a little shadow on the ground (just north of San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado.
Sunday afternoon 17 October 2010.

14 April 2011

Thunderstorms & Olathe Prairie, Panorama, 11 July 2010

Via Flickr:
Panoramic view of a prairie field in north Olathe, with severe thunderstorms to the south.
Four separate photos auto-stiched into one panorama, via Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Sunday afternoon 11 July 2010.

07 April 2011

Reflection of myself & Western Auto Lofts, 10 Nov 2010

Via Flickr:
Capture of myself and the Western Auto Lofts building, reflected off a window from a nearby office building on the west side of Grand Boulevard.
Three separate photos auto-stiched into one vertical panorama, via Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.

Wednesday evening 10 November 2010.

Sunset in JoCo, 5 Apr 2011

Via Flickr:
Colorful sunset, as seen from north Olathe.
Tuesday evening 5 April 2011.

Kauffman Center, 5 April 2011

Via Flickr:
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, Kansas City.
The north side of the structure.
Tuesday afternoon 5 April 2011.