20 September 2012

Pair of sunflowers, 9 Sept 2012

Via Flickr:
A pair of sunflowers, in a field near 135th Street & Pflumm Road in Overland Park.
Sunday morning 9 September 2012

Roasterie DC-3, 18 Sept 2012

Via Flickr:
A DC-3 airplane stands atop the new production facility for The Roasterie coffee company in Kansas City.
Tuesday morning 18 September 2012

Power & Light Building, 18 Sept 2012

Via Flickr:
Power and Light Building, downtown Kansas City.
Tuesday morning 18 September 2012

18 September 2012

Sunflowers, 18 Sept 2012

Via Flickr:
Sunflowers under a cloudless blue sky on a chilly late summer morning, in a field northeast of 135th St & Pflumm in Overland Park.
Tuesday morning 18 September 2012.

10 September 2012

Sunflower, 10 Sept 2012

Via Flickr:
Sunflower under a cloudless blue sky, in a field northeast of 135th St & Pflumm in Overland Park.
Monday evening 10 September 2012

04 September 2012

Sunflowers, 4 Sept 2012

Via Flickr:
The first sunflowers of the season are starting to bloom here in Johnson County. These were in a field near 135th & Pflumm in Overland Park.
Tuesday afternoon 4 September 2012